Integrate PayPal with Retently NPS
Trigger transactional NPS surveys or create customers from PayPal, once a transaction is completed.
Start your 7-day Free TrialAbout PayPal
PayPal is the faster, safer way to send money, make an online payment, receive money or set up a merchant account.
PayPal to Retently NPS
Refunded Transaction
Send a transactional NPS survey or add a customer to Retently when a Paypal transaction is refunded.Successful Transaction
Send a transactional NPS survey or add a customer to Retently when a Paypal transaction is completed.All Merchant Transactions
Send a transactional NPS survey or add a customer to Retently when any transaction, regardless of its status is made.Retently NPS to PayPal
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Sync your NPS feedback with Stripe and have NPS surveys triggered by Stripe events.
Sign up for a free Zapier account, or choose a premium subscription starting from $25 per month.
Get StartedUse API to create custom integrations
The API allows you to connect Retently to your own application or create custom integrations and automation playbooks.
- Fetch your customers from Retently
- Get the NPS, CSAT, CES scores
- Receive the latest customer feedback
- Create and update customers in Retently
- Unsubscribe customers in Retently
- Send transactional surveys